The juice will never come if the orange is not pressed. The orange will always feel the pain, but it waits patiently until its best comes out.
Obstacles are a part of your success journey. They come to test, train or take you; how you respond to them makes the difference.
"Paths without obstacles don't lead anywhere important." John Mason
Every Successful person has some records of encountered obstacles, problems and challenges across their paths. Their decisions and how they respond to them and viewed them was significant to their success.
I am a success and I am succeeding, not because I didn't face challenges, but that I never let them take me off my vision.
You can always measure a man by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage him. Refusing to let yourself become discouraged by temporary setbacks qualifies you for consistent Victories.
James Billet said "you will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life."
You are greater than your opposition's. You are wiser than your challenges. You have the capacity to win after many falls. Don't let your experiences decided your future. Like J. Sidlow Baxter mentioned; "Every opportunity us a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity."
In your success journey, you will face many obstacles and difficulties; your attitude towards them will bring you into Success or failure.
Never give up; keep your focus!
Success is who you are!
Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute
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