Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Focus And Succeed


"Not all good things are good for you, as long as they take your focus off your goals, purpose, assignment and plans."

To stay focused is to stay on your purpose, even after you succeed. It is to give consistent and persistent attention to your goals.

Focus is anything that consumes your time, energy, finances and attention.

One major enemy of success is distraction. It is being busy outside your goals without giving attention to details that helps you achieve your goals.

Nobody (Student, teacher or parent) ever reaches her full potential by shattered focus. When you lack focus, you lack concentration, progress and productivity.

I read a story I would like to share with you.


A young man was preparing to wed. He was poor & needed to borrow a suit from someone to use for his wedding. He went to where to borrow the wedding suit.When he got there, he met the whole family feasting. He was offered food & he sat down to eat without telling them his mission first . 

While the eating was going on, another young man rushed in & demanded to see the man of the house. They told him to sit down & eat with them. He told them he is in an hurry & he just came to see the man of the house. The man of the house went outside with him & after 5 minutes the man of the house came in & went out again with a bag in his hand. When he came back, the first guy that came had finished eating. 

He stood up & told the man of the house that he came purposely to borrow a wedding suit from him & told the man he will be getting married in the next one week. The man of the house said to him, ' Haa, that young man you saw that rushed in the other time came for the same suit & I have given it to him & he is getting married the same day you are getting married.'The young man regretted the fact that he ate before delivering his mission. It was too late for him.He wept bitterly. 

Friends, many of us are like that young man. There are many 'food' that will be presented to us as we go on in the journey of our destiny. Don't 'eat it' until you have 'hit it'! I mean; until you have delivered your mandate to your generation."

Stay focused on your realistic goal. Refuse to let your past and present distract you from creating a wonderful future.

In my book, "31 secrets wealthy parents teach their children that they don't want other parents know about." I shared some important thoughts on focus.

I said;
1. Focus means your five senses; sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch, are all working in unison with your spirit to achieve a common purpose.

2. Your focused concentration is the key that opens the door to a greater accomplishment.

3. Focus helps you to do first things first, and second things second; not second things first and first things later.

We have to keep our focus right. We have to stay true to our visions, goals, purpose and assignment. We have to keep our focus on what matters most.

Your goals and purpose demands your focus. Focus on your purpose and become successful.

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

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