Tuesday, 2 April 2019

It Will Work If You Plan It


"One plan achieved is better than one billion wishes and promises not achieved." Abibo Berepele

Converting one wish to a plan and acting on it is far better than adding more exciting wishes to an existing one.

One billion wishes can never be called a plan; it  can never replace one good plan achieved.

What exactly is planning?

It is deciding in advance what should be done, why it should be done, where it should be done, when it should be done, who should do it and how it should be done.

The last time I failed to plan, I planned my failure in advance. The last time I planned to succeed, success became more possible for me. "Planning is the key to success because the success of a project will depend critically upon the effort, care and skill you apply in the initial planning." Said Gerald M. Blair.

I have noticed that I made no tangible progress without proper and constructive thinking and planning.

Robert William's "Seven Thoughts on Success."

1. Developing a vision for greatness in life.

2. Draw a chart on how you want to go about the success and adhere to it.

3. Delight yourself in the Lord by accepting His will in your life.

4. Depart from evil things and friends that waste your time and life.

5. Demand success and receive it from God.

6. Depend on God's guidance.

7. Do your work diligently now, now is the time.

Success is possible for us all if we will plan effectively and work on our plans. We can succeed with the smallest ideas we have when  we give time to planning it and give ourselves to working it.

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

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