Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Start From Home, Succeed Is Yours


"A man who thinks he is successful because he is making money in business, but never has time for his family; such person will soon realize that he has set himself up for failure."

God wants us to succeed in all areas of the life. This includes; spiritual, mental, physical, relational, professional and financial.

Success begins at home. It is the quality relationship existing in a family that makes success effective and efficient.

You will see some people who are very social in the public but lack good relationship with their families. They are celebrated by strangers, but their immidiate family don't see them as successful.

When you invest in the development of your family, you are building a great platform for continues success.

Our social relationship begins at home; with our family. After our relationship with God, the next greatest relationship we must build is with our family. If you invest so much time with your work and have little or no time with your family, you are wasting your future for your present satisfaction.

In my book "The Loving Family", I shared some things God has put in us and expect us to do to build a Purposeful, Loving and Successful family; when we neglect our families, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

You must input care, love, attention, communication, connection, and material comfort in your family. Spend time praying, planning, playing and practicing together.

Family is the first place success should begin on Earth. God has put you in that family so that you can be a blessing to one another. You have to work with out as God gives you the strength.

Never neglect your family, you will destroy your future in doing that.

Success is who you are!

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