Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Build Yourself For Success


"Your decisions will decide your success." Abibo Berepele

Success is much more than money, more than properties, more than earthly position...!

Our society has made many youths and teens believe that success is all about the money you have. They see success as a possession and position rather than a person and a nature.

The media has sold us the likes of the 30billion gangs and more. "It doesn't matter, as long as it will make you succeed you have to do it." That's the lie they teach us to believe. They measure you by what you have and don't have, not who you are.

Let me make this known to you:
1. Success is the nature of God given to all His creations to manifest in life.

2. Success is who you have, who you are and all you do.

3. Success is living in your purpose for being created.

4. Success is fulfilling your assignment and going back to your creator.

If these things are not manifest in your life, them your success is not complete.

Success is beyond charisma, it is built on character.

Reverend Sam Adeyemi said, "Success is a balance. If you make all the money in the world and get all the recognition in the world, but do not have your priorities straight, you will still likely end up a failure."

I strongly believe that God wants us to understand His success so that we can enjoy every thing (potential, skill, ability...) He has put in us, to help us maximize our life.

Success is the combination of "spiritual, mental, physical, relational, career and financial fulfillment." The more you progress in these areas, the more Successful you become.

In one of my teachings, "Growing in the balance of success;" I said, "living Successful in one area is partial failure; living outside God's will is complete failure."

God's Success plan for you is not temporary, it is consistent upward excellence; Growing in all areas of your life.

Today, I challenge you to grow successful in all areas. Don't feel comfortable with part success, seek to be a success in every area of your life.

With all the money you have, if you don't have good relationship with your family, you lack some levels of good success. Reas Success comes with a balance; learn the balance and become more successful.

Follow my comments below as I share on the combination of real Success.

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

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