Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Walk The Talk


Success demands words and works. If you keep "wording" without "working" on your words, Success will become an illusion to you.

As a Student's Development Consultant, I have come to the realization that most of our teachers don't know that 'education is not just theoritical, it is a practice. It is the ability to convert words into products and services. It is the ability to bring out the Potentials I'm your students, that makes them problem solvers.'

Most schools have only informed their students about the problems we face in our society and world, not equipping them with the tools to think and strategy for solving old or new problems.

The problems are not the problems; what we have not done about the problems is the major problem.

You can't fulfill your destiny on a theory... it takes work! None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. You are made for action.

John Mason said, " success simply takes good ideas and puts them to work.

William Shakespeare: "Nothing can come of nothing." A belief is worthless unless converted into action and David Bly adds; "Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."

What we do with what we say will determine what we get from what we have said. Moliere said "All men are alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ."

Let me borrow the word of Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Even Biblical principles believed but not acted on equals to failure.

It's take to put our theories to work. It's time to get on our tables and do the needful. It's time to put yourself into that dream, idea and passion that keeps you awake. It's time to wear your work clothes and get into your work.

The excitements of theories make many regret their idle and in the future. I believe if we take time to work on what we believe in, we will make a better future for our children and nation.

I am working on some new books for children, teens and students. Would you love to read them and have some for your children, friends and students?

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

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