Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Lead Yourself Into Success


"There is only one person who succeed; it is that person who knows when he has succeeded." Abibo Berepele

Life began with goals. God succeeded  in creating because He had His goals. Without a goal Success can't be measured.

Goallessness destroys you, your family and generations to come. In this fast moving, super specialized century, unless you are able to clearly, calmly and deliberately set goals for yourself and future, you are becalmed in indecision and inertia.

There is nothing like lucky success. What they call lucky success is actually preparation meeting opportunity.

Goal is the end towards which effort is directed. Goal setting is the prime action for any real achievement. "With goals, you fly like an arrow, straight and true to your target." Said Brain Tracy. While To Hopkins said "Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

Four centuries ago the great French essayist Michel de Montaigne wrote: "No wind favours him who has no destined Port."

A person without clear cut goals in life is forever doomed to sail in circles, always frustrated, always rudderless, never getting anywhere. Your future requires a goal, because your goals will deliver your from living in your past.

If you remember nothing from this post today, remember that "without goals you will be useless to yourself and to those who need you. You will be a waste of life when you waste your time living goalless.

David S. Jordan once said, "The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going." Goals simplify your success journey. It tells you where to go, when to go, how to go, why you should go, who to go with and all that you need to succeed with your life.

Goals give you something concrete to focus on and that has a positive impact on your actions. When you are not led by a goal, you are led by failure. When you see no goal for success, you set your goals for failure.

Your goals save your energy.
Your goals save your time.
Your goals save your conversations.
Your goals save your associations.
Your goals save your money.
Your goals save your thoughts.
Your goals will deliver you from your past and bring you into a new future called Success.

Finally, never set a goal outside your purpose. Don't achieve success outside God's plan for your life. Know who you are, what you are called to do and set your goals to achieve them.

Lead your life with the right goals and you will enjoy real success when your goals are achieved.

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

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