Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Let Go And Be Successful


"Sometimes our past gives us good memories, but the memories of the past are not good enough to replace your present and future."

"Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead." Phil 3:13

If you keep looking back, you'll soon be heading that way. If you keep celebrating your past successes without building yourself for more, you will soon be outdated. If you focus only on your past, you will deprive your mind from releasing its wealth of creativity.

Your past is your past, there is no future in it. Your past is what has happened, your present is what is happening and your future is what you bring out from within you. Letting go your past will help you gain focus on your present, to birth the future you desire.

If you waste today lamenting yesterday, you will waste tomorrow lamenting today. Squash the good old days. The good old days are only good and old, today is new and can be better if you put it to effective use.

"Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you can be." Mike Murdock

There is more in and for you than your knowledge and experience has revealed to you. You are more than your past has presented to you. You are better than all your best days and experiences. "You can't go back to yesterday to make a brand new start, but you can start from today and make a brand new end," said Carl Bard

All the good of the past can't stop the present from becoming better. If you focus on your past, you are depriving your life from progress. The more you look back, the less you will get ahead.

If you want to have uncommon success, fill your heart with the dream of the future, not with the history of the past. Let the passion for more create a new experience for you. Love to be better each day so that 'the good old days' will only remain 'good old days; not better old days.'

You can't have a better to day and the best tomorrow if you are thinking about the good or bad yesterday all the time. Like Laura Palmer advised: "Don't waste today regretting yesterday instead of making a memory for tomorrow."

Keep your future alive by Maximizing your today. Walk into each new day with the hope that it will always be better that the other days. Give your past the opportunity to remain a past.

Yesterday will always be yesterday; let it remain yesterday!

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

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