Wednesday, 2 August 2017

WISSOM FOR SUCCESS 5: success is who you have.

You are more successful than your reasoning can suggest to you. What you need to do is to know who you have and what the person you have has. For me, I have God and God has all I need, and that makes me a success in Him.

"Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. And Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him down there.
The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egypt. " Genesis 39:1-2

Many people define success based on what you have done, accomplished and accumulated. But the Bibles definition of success far precedes that. It sees success as first, "who you have."

From our opening scripture, we can see that Joseph literally had nothing materially, but at the same time, he had everything because the Lord was with him.

God sees our relationship with Him as the first and foundational factor that we need for every success in our life. What do we need to succeed when we have Him, Immanuel.

Joseph had no physical possessions to qualify him to be called a success. No bank accounts, no trace to his family, no formal educational qualification, no human connections with people of influence. He only succeeded by Immanuel.

God takes us out of our natural dependence to give us His eternal success. Abraham enjoyed it, Joseph experienced it, King David enjoyed it; and you will enjoy it too.

If you stay focused on Immanuel, you are focused on success. Your responsibility is to enjoy all that Jesus is for you.

Jesus is our success. When we received Him, He became ours. We and Him became one, like Him and The Father. We are His present representatives. We have all He is and all He gives.

Because He is success and can't lack success, we are success and can't lack success. Don't just have Him, walk with Him, talk with Him, and enjoy His life in you.

Jesus is our success covenant and reality with God our Father.

Success is WHO you have!

Abibo Berepele. Author, Mentor, Teens Coach, Composer, Lecturer, Motivational and Public Speaker.

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