I am blessed and I am a blessing in the Blessing. I am not trying to be blessed, I am living in the Blessing and the Blessing in me. Now, as success is in the Blessing, I release myself to all the success in the Blessing.
"The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it."
Proverbs 10:22
If you are blessed by God, you have more than just success, you have Good Success.
The first thing God ever did after creating man was to put His blessing into man through His word. Genesis 1:26-28
God blessed man to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and dominate life on earth. This is a holistic success that comes from the blessing.
It is the Blessing that makes you a success not you making the Blessing succeed.
The Blessing is the person of God released to us as His word that carries His nature, life, attitudes and abilities to produce His will on the earth.
It is God putting us in charge of all creations through His gift at work in us. It is God's empowerment for mans creativity and Responsibility.
It is Jesus released to us by the Father, so that we can do His will on earth. The Blessing is the distributor of our success.
There are those who are not in the fold of the blessing and they struggle to succeed. Yes they succeed, but they only have partial success. It comes with Many sorrows.
There are those who are also in the Blessing but do not know that the blessing supplies all things, so they try to merit their success. Yet, there are those who live by the Blessing; for them, success is the Blessing. They stand tall in success because they are blessed, they know and use the blessing, and they are blessings to others.
When God started with Abram, look at what He said to him: " ... And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. " Genesis 12:1-2
You see, God told Abram of the new land, the new nation, where the Blessing dwells. In that land , he will be blessed and become a blessing.
Now, today, we are living in the Blessing. Ephesians 1:3 says; "How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ. (TLB)
Because we belong to Christ our new nation, with a new citizenship; we are blessed in the Blessing. Now we are His chosen generation, full of the Blessing. This is why we have His eternal success at work in us , for us and through us.
This is the life of success you have received. Because you are in the Blessing, you have the success of the Blessing.
Success is who you are!
Abibo Berepele. Author, Mentor, Teens Coach, Lecturer, Composer and Motivational Speaker with Impact.
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