Monday, 31 July 2017

WISDOM FOR SUCCESS 3: success is in the Blessing.

I am blessed and I am a blessing in the Blessing. I am not trying to be blessed, I am living in the Blessing and the Blessing in me. Now, as success is in the Blessing, I release myself to all the success in the Blessing.

Friday, 28 July 2017

WISDOM FOR SUCCESS 2. Keep looking, Keep succeeding.

We may have looked on thesamd directions but do not focus on the same things. Some saw a sinner while some saw a Savior, on the same cross of Jesus.

WISDOM FOR SUCCESS 1: Succeed by God's love

Success sis a gift and a responsibility. If you trust the words of your Father, you will always live a confident and successful life.

Thursday, 27 July 2017


Don't just present a problem, repair it; but the best part is for you to create or find the solution and solve it.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

SUCCESS IS IN YOU: living from success

The last time you were permitted to fail was before Jesus went to the cross. The moment you received the resurrected Christ, you were passed from failure into success.