Look as far as you can see, for it is all yours. Your world stands before you, filled with limitless possibilities, wonderful places to explore, and decisions to make every day of your life. Do not look ahead to what may happen tomorrow, focus on how to create your tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today is committed to care for you tomorrow and everyday.
The first principle created by words is focus. When you focus on specific things (tangible or intangible) you create a future for yourself.
What is focus?
The word focus is to concentrate on a specific word, subject or object till it creates an act or action in you. It is taking light from a particular word or object.
Focus can be on tangible or intangible things. Putting our focus on what we hear or see can affect our entire life negatively or positively. This is why Hebrew 12:2 says we should keep looking...
The habit of focus.
Focus is a habit that must be developed by every teenager that has a vision, purpose and passion to succeed. When God gives you a word, He wants you to focus in what He says not what you feel.
When you focus on God, you see His opportunities for you. When you focus on yourself you see how impossible life can be for you. This was what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
How to build focus.
1. Read what you want to happen to you.
2. Pick up specific points that ministers to you.
3. Look at those words again and again
4. Think on the words you have read.
5. Verbalize those words over and over again until they create the right pictures in your mind.
6. Where down what you have thought on.
7. Make plans from what you have received.
8. Concentrate on it until it is achieved.
Focus builds in you the character and attitude of achievers.
Why should I build focus.
1. God is focused.
2. God created you with a focus.
3. It makes success possible for you.
4. It simplifies life.
5. It have you decide and act wisely.
6. It beautifies your attitudes.
7. It empowers you to act right and swiftly.
8. It makes your life and result attractive.
9. It makes you distinctively excellent.
The success of Jesus was never possible not until He focused on the cross. Success will not be possible for you not until you focus on God's purpose for your life.
Focus is a key that makes success possible for all.
Think, act, live and succeed with focus.
Abibo Berepele
I Believe In Teenagers
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