Monday, 4 February 2019



How you see yourself + How you value yourself = How you talk about yourself.

What are you saying about yourself?
What are your parents saying about themselves?
What are your children saying about themselves?
All are products of your self-image amd self-esteem.

I suffered a high level of poor self-image, self-esteem and self- talk. This took me time to deal with as it also made me fail in areas I should have excelled in.

How did I move from low negative to high positive?

How am I improving from/on my past Success to create more Excellent Success on a daily basis?

How did I move from living a low life of comparison to a higher life of complement and completeness, even in the absence of all I need and want?

This is one of the biggest challenges our children face today in this fast grown world.

I am working on a book to help us create a maximum life for kids, teens and Students, such that they will discover, develop, deploy and maximize their life.

This book will not be more than 40 pages, but the values in it will last them for more than 40years of their life.

Would you love to read this work and also have some copies for your children, church and students?

If you would, the ask me to remind you about it.

I will be sending you some words that will keep you ready to create the success you were waiting for.

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute

Success is who you are! 1


"If your mind can't create it, it can conceive it. If it can't do any one of them, it should go get it. Whatever it takes, the mind should be trained for success."

The first place to be ready for success is in your mind. I'd you are not mentally ready, you are not really physically prepared.

Your mind is what makes your life ready for success and that's why the battle for success or failure, in life, is in your mind.

I had a client who asked me to build the confidence of her children for academic excellence. As I did their Intellectual Intelligence test, I noticed they scored high points; so I decided to do the Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence test; this was where the challenge was for them.

They were Intellectually sounds but lacked confidence. They always believed they were not good enough. They settled for average and average they became.

After working on their mind, we had better results. Now, they are not just good in their academics alone, they have confidence in God and themselves. We are working on their talents and they have found their identity.

"You succeed or fail first in your mind. Your mind can deprive you from your success if you don't train it on how to think, talk and act right for success. You mind has the capability amd capacity to make you fail before you fail ok make you succeed even when you are known for failure.

"Your mind is one of the greatest ambassadors of your entire life." Take good care of your your mind and you will be very ready to Succeed with your life.

If the mind battle is won, you will win in life, no matter how long it takes. But if you always loose in your mind, you have set yourself up to fail in life.

Never underestimate the power of your mind. It has the ability to bring you into high places or take you into failures and regrets.

Your mind is your gift for success; train it as successful and succeed with your life.

Success is who you are!

Abibo Berepele
© Success Institute